40 days in the Light

Hello family and friends. I want to thank each one of you for making our Lenten reflection “40 days in the wilderness” a great success. By your participation, your likes, your clicks and your views, our YouTube channel has grown, and that means the gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached to the four corners of the earth. Amen! I can’t do it without God, first and foremost, but I can’t do it without you all and your support. So thank you and let’s keep it going!
Now, we are almost a week into our #eastercelebration2023 so I want to invite everyone to join our new reflection series “40 days in the Light”. Join us each Thursday (starting April 20th) here https://youtube.com/@awordonTheWord939 as we walk with Jesus, our risen Lord, through His resurrection appearances.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5.
#eastertide #EasterSeason #resurrection #easter

Published by timglass

My two key verses for teaching are: II Tim. 2:15 and James 3:1. Please know,that everything I teach are measured by these scriptures and prayed about. May God bless and keep you, and His face shine upon you.

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